Using Caddx Micro SDR1 Camera with Betaflight Camera Control

The new Caddx cameras seem interesting, so I got a Micro SDR1 for myself to try out. Not so surprised, I ran into problems with Betaflight Camera Control.

The flight controller was a Matek F411-MINI which has a ready-to-use camera control pin(no need resistor and/or capacitor).  The OSD pin of the camera was directly soldered to the RSSI pin of the FC board and the resource remapping command was correctly set and saved according to Matek’s manual. But the Betaflight Camera Control didn’t work.

Thanks to jumatic on github:

Put a 330 om resistor between the RSSI pin and the Camera, then with below settings it works perfectly.

camera_control_mode = HARDWARE_PWM

camera_control_ref_voltage = 317
Allowed range: 200 - 400
Default value: 330

camera_control_key_delay = 120
Allowed range: 100 - 500
Default value: 180

camera_control_internal_resistance = 264
Allowed range: 10 - 1000
Default value: 470

camera_control_inverted = OFF
Allowed values: OFF, ON

If you are also struggling with using Caddx Micro SDR1 Camera with Betaflight Camera Control, feel free to try these settings, all credit goes to jumatic.


短小精悍的微型5.8G FPV套件


Adding a timer to XK X6 Transmitter

If you fly an XK K110 or XK K120 micro helicopter you probably own an XK X6 transmitter. It’s a cheap and cheerful entry-level hobby grade radio. The only complaint most of us have is it lacking a timer. Now let’s add one to it.

艾斯特iSDT Q6充电器评测

艾斯特会再出一款新品用以填充SC-608和SC-620的价格和功率区间并不意外,意外的是竟然跳出了SC系列而新出了一款Q系列,尝试了圆滚滚的可爱风格(应该也就是Q系的命名来源了)。iSDT Q6+仍然是一款定位外场快速充电器的产品,相较于SC系列也有些许变化,究竟表现如何且看评测。


